I guess I didn’t really initiate the church-roof-ladder-building project so I obviously am not claiming it as mine, but since it meant I was doing something instead of nothing I’m going to be brash and say it was work anyway.
Outside of all the aforementioned work I have been doing, I have had the most success doing projects with the primary school that serves our village and the surrounding settlements.
The start of term for schools in the southern hemisphere is in January; they get two weeks off in May and September then summer vacation begins in the beginning of December. At the start of this year’s term I took the 40 minute walk down the beach to the school compound to speak with the headmistress. Apparently, I timed it wrong and school wasn’t over yet, so I tried to loiter innocently outside the headmistress’s classroom. I was just in the midst of a determined examination of the closest piece of cracked concrete, trying my best to be inconspicuous when the headmistress stormed out looking harassed and annoyed. Crap.
“Yes?” All the kids ran to the windows and were giggling and staring and being normal obnoxious 8 year olds. “I umm was just… umm, well could I speak with you?” She glared at me, warmly inviting me to continue. Right, so I plowed on. I told her that I was thinking about starting and environment club for the older students (primary school includes classes 1 – 8, which is about equal to our grades 1 – 8) after school and was wondering if I might be able to use one of the classrooms. Her demeanor changed, slightly, and she told me she liked the idea and said we could do it every other Friday starting at 1:15 pm or once the kids put all their bags away.
Success! I gushed my thanks and enthusiasm and she wished me goodbye by spinning on her heel and marching back to her students. I was stoked! Now I had two afternoons every month where I knew what I would be doing! Structure! A plan! I’ll actually be doing something! I went back home and began planning for the first club meeting.
I arrived that Friday a little bit early and was sitting on the porch outside waiting for school to get out. When it did, one of the teachers came out and greeted me and told me I would be using his classroom. All the kids were running around and pushing desks against the wall to make room. Then a few more kids showed up… probably just to help, right? Then the entire classroom next door filed out and into the one we were standing in. The teacher started shouting over the din and demanding that the children sit down on the floor in line and be quiet and to pay attention; apparently they had a Peace Corps volunteer coming to teach classes on environmental education.
…wait what? Somehow, in our lengthy conversation the other day, the headmistress and I had a miscommunication. What I wanted was some space after school where interested students from classes 7 and 8 could come and participate in an environmental club for fun. She interpreted that as the Peace Corps volunteer will be teaching environmental lessons between 1:15 and 2:00 pm every other Friday to every student in classes 5, 6, 7, and 8 and it would be obligatory for them to attend. Sigh. I decided to make the best of it and went ahead and did my prepare club plan for that day with all the students. Some of it was a big flop and it was difficult controlling 35 twelve year olds. But other parts of it were fun.
Since then it has become a bit more class-like but it’s definitely a fun class! We go swimming in the ocean and watch movies and draw pictures and, naturally, eat candy. Write now all the focus is going into learning about the coral reef ecosystem and one of our future projects will be coral farming and building fish houses.
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Drawing pictures of what a coral reef ecosystem and the surrounding environment looks like. |
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One of the completed pictures. |
After the first club/class was done I wiped a whole lot of sweat off my brow and took a breath. That was way more overwhelming than I wanted it to be. But we all had fun and I couldn’t help but feel a little exhilarated. The last thing that day (we weren’t even the last period of the day) was sports hour. All the kids ran out and started screaming and yelling and all I could think was it couldn’t possibly have been this loud when I was having recess at this age and yet I fully believe it was…maybe your hearing doesn’t fully develop until you turn fifteen? I was going deaf. A bunch of girls ran over to me and were begging me to teach them one of the endless games I apparently know.
Right, ok. Think back to recess…what did we play? The first thing I thought of was red light/green light. So we tried that but it failed several times because the girls couldn’t understand that the first time I spun around and said red light wasn’t the end of the game and meant to start over.
The next thing I thought of was red rover. I was hesitating on this one though because I feel like I remember hearing that schools in the US have banned it as a game at recess because of how many injuries the children would sustain. So I approached the teacher overseeing sports hour and explained the game to him and asked what he thought. “Yeah, that sounds great Tina, vinaka.” …ok, guess we’re a go.
I told the girls the basic rules of the game and had them split into two teams of about 12 girls each and spaced them about forty feet apart. They were holding hands preparing to start. One team shouted, “Red rover, red rover send Salome right over!” The girl they chose was in class one and clearly had no idea what was really going on. She just knew that she was playing with all the girls and that she had to run at the other team as fast as she could.
Away she went, sprinting her little heart out and grinning the whole time. As she approached the line she didn’t slow down. I can’t really be sure what exactly happened next. Either the two girls holding hands pulled away at the last second thus stretching out their arms causing them to literally raise the bar higher…or Salome was just a short little girl whose height was just the right unfortunate tallness so she managed to fully clothesline herself in the face at such a speed that she was forced completely horizontal in the air and continued to fly forward until she landed hard on the ground about a foot behind the line.
Oh lord. I ran over to her and she was still smiling ridiculously, clearly completely baffled at what was going on but pleased nonetheless at being able to play. I asked her if she was hurt but she just got up. It took her realizing that everyone was staring at her for her to get upset and start crying, as if she needed to be told that she should be crying after such an event.
Brilliant. The Peace Corps volunteer is beating up children. They’re never going to let me come back to this school! What do the teachers think? I glanced over to them and they were all just standing there smiling. No big deal. This is Fiji after all where a person could slice half their shin off while cutting in the bush and just tie a T-shirt around it and keep working. Anyway, it seemed to be a situation of no harm, no foul as Salome was fine. The girls kept playing and eventually the entire school got involved in this monstrous game of red rover. I stopped cringing when each child was about to break through and we didn’t have any more eventful take downs. Glad I could be the volunteer to bring another violent sport to Fiji. …well, at least they’re having fun! Mission accomplished.
Most of the school at the end of term celebration last year. This is on the front porch of the main building. |